NEW! our new podcast with EdCuration!
Podcast on Apple / iTunes Podcast on Spotify
Come change the world with us!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
In 24 hours - your students and teachers can have the same tools as the very best schools in the world - join us
Our BLENDED LEARNING packages are truly affordable - nothing works if a school cannot afford it.
We use Storyboard That - the absolute best story board generator available!
Storyboarding is an incredibly powerful tool for visual communication. Creating a storyboard brings words from the page to life, and encapsulates the student's imagination in ways that text alone cannot.
Contact them here!
NEW - test prep
Test Prep should be affordable and accessible to all students.
The GreenStudy Project has launched an innovative test preparation program through our partner schools.
These new classes will give our students the opportunity to access world-class instruction and materials as they prepare for their individual university adventures.
Join us.
All students deserve access.
THE GREEN STUDY PROJECT is an innovative, leading-edge partnership initiative combining the expertise, experience, energy, and imagination of The Urban Green Education Project, Arizona State University’s ASU Prep Digital, Lincoln Learning Solutions and great K-12 schools across all borders
Our students become part of a unique blended-learning community that helps them build a foundation to grow into the best students they can be as they embark on a journey towards active learning and leadership, driven by curiosity, with access to the best learning materials in the world.
Join us as we nurture the amazing scientists, engineers, journalists, teachers, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and shapers of our future!
ASU PREP DIGITAL - Lincoln Learning Solutions
Simply the best tools and materials available today
This changes everything
- in 24 hours, any school in any country can gain ACCESS TO ELITE, world-class, accredited curriculum and materials AND becomE IMMEDIATELY academically equivalent to the very best public schools in America -
OUR TEAM SUPPLIES a complete, affordable, accredited, accessible BLENDED-LEARNING system - with a non-profit support team there for you every step of the way
The best high school tools and curriculum available today
The best K-8 blended learning systems in the world
We have the right tools -
Join us! We are leveraging the best of today's technology and using the power of community to empower our students and teachers.
We give our network schools a toolbox that enables them to offer their students limitless opportunities.
We are proud to partner with Arizona State University
ASU is in the top 1 percent of the world's most prestigious universities as ranked by Times Higher Education in the only global performance tables that measure research-intensive universities across core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook. ASU welcomes students from 136 countries around the world. More than 12,000 international students call ASU home.
For the FIFTH straight year, U.S. News & World Report ranks ASU No. 1 on its “Most Innovative Schools” list, ahead of No. 2 Stanford and No. 3 MIT.
ASU, Harvard, Stanford, and the University of Chicago are the only four institutions in the nation with elite Rhodes, Marshall, and Churchill scholarship winners.
ASU’s six faculty and 15 student Fulbright scholars in the U.S. government’s flagship international exchange program are yet another testament to the breadth and excellence of the university’s programs.
A true world university - More than 12,000 international students call ASU home.
More than any other university - ASU welcomes students from 136 countries around the world.
We travel
ASU Summer Programs are available for students in grades Kindergarten - 12 in a variety of topics including engineering, leadership, math, and the arts. Programs are offered on all four ASU campuses and formats range from day camps to residential programs, where students have the opportunity to live on campus.
We also have unique university tour trips that allow students to discover their best university options. Students and families are encouraged to tour a variety of universities - it is all about finding the perfect, individual fit. In this age of Google, GPS, virtual college tours, and electronic guidebooks, there is still no match for the feeling of stepping on a college campus and talking face-to-face with the people who make that community what it is.
The world is open to our students
While Arizona State University forms the backbone of our partnership program, credit earned is fully transferable to any US and Canadian university. Our students are encouraged to find the perfect personal path to their university studies and we work with them throughout their high school years to explore every possibility.
All partner schools gain use of a fully-managed LMS
An LMS - Learning Management System - allows schools to build the digital learning environment that meets the unique challenges faced by their institution. Canvas simplifies teaching, elevates learning, and eliminates the headaches of supporting and growing traditional learning technologies.
We use the world's best learning management system
Canvas by instructure
The Learning, Mastery, & Success Machine
Simply the very best LMS. Canvas makes teaching and learning easier and gives teachers both the tools and the time to impact student success in significant ways. Canvas makes teaching and learning easier for everyone.
We use the ideal LMS for our younger learners
Buzz by Agilix
a Learning Empowerment Toolbox which leads to Lots of Extra Time
“Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time”