Mathematics 8 (Pre-Algebra)


Students who love interactive learning will enjoy Pre-Algebra. This hands-on course is full of slideshows, applications, videos, and real-world scenarios. The satisfaction that students gain from truly understanding higher level concepts such as functions and systems of equations encourages excitement and joy for learning. The instruction in this course will focus on three critical areas: (1) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures, through the use of distance, angles, similarity, congruence, and Pythagorean Theorem; (2) using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) formulating expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, solving linear equations, and systems of linear equations. This course is appropriate for upper level middle school students or as a high school review course. 

Major Topics and Concepts

Semester 1

Real Numbers & Exponents
Geometric Transformations
Geometric Relationships

Semester 2

Linear Relationships
Patterns of Association
Linear Equations
Linear Systems