Social Studies 5 A/B
Segment A of Social Studies 5 begins with a broad survey and review of world geography, reinforcing concepts and terms from prior courses, and then moves toward an understanding of the importance that physical geography has had on the development and success of nations around the world. The focus then narrows to the Western Hemisphere and explores the cultures of the Native Americans, including Mayans, Aztec, Plains and Eastern Woodlands Indians. Students will study the age of colonization and analyze the conflict brought about by this movement. They will take a fresh look at the United States’ long road to independence.
Segment B of Social Studies 5 will look at how major issues of expansion challenged the stability of the nation. Social, political and economic opportunities and problems arose from changes in technology. The Civil War was a defining moment in our country’s history. Political, economic, and social factions within a country sometimes lead to conflict. The United States did, however, help turn the tide for an Allied victory in WW I. Students will learn how the United States emerged as a world power with influence which spanned the globe, and how new technologies helped produce a new mass culture in the 1920’s. They will learn that with power comes responsibility.
ESTIMATED COMPLETION TIME: 32-36 weeks or approximately 125 – 135 hours
Geography Skills
Identify Key Vocabulary Terms and Core Knowledge in Geography
Utilize Maps and Globes to Answer Questions and Make Assumptions
Regions of North America and Their Locations
Seven Continents and Their Locations
Five Oceans and Their Locations
Importance Physical Geography Had/Has on the Development and Success of Nations Of the World
The Earliest Inhabitants
Maya and the Aztec
Life of Maya, Inca, Aztec, and Anasazi
From Southwest to Northwest Native Americans Were Put to the Test
The Plains and the Eastern Woodlands
Connections Across Continents
East Meets West
Explorers and Conquerors in a New World
The Spanish Build an Empire
Early European Settlements
Jamestown, Here We Come!
The Plymouth Colony
Colonization and Conflict
The New England Colonies
The Middle Colonies
The Southern Colonies
Life in the Thirteen Colonies
French and Spanish in North America
The French and Indian War
Independence and New Government
The Road to Self-government
The Revolution Begins
Declaring Independence
The War for Independence Ends
The Articles of Confederation
The Constitution
A Developing Nation
Geography and the Growth of a Young Nation
War of 1812
Andrew Jackson
Industrial Revolution
The Mexican-American War
Western Trails
The Civil War and Reconstruction
Slavery Divides the Country
The Fight for Equality
The Nation Moves Closer to War
The War Between the States
The Union Moves Toward Victory
The Union Stands
The Civil War Amendments
Immigration and Industry
Rails Across the Country
Life on the Range
Homesteading on the Plains
The Plains Wars
The Rise of Big Business
The Growing Cities
The United States Expands
The Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
America in the 20th Century
World War I
The Roaring Twenties
The Great Depression
World War II
The Cold War
The Civil Rights Movement
A Decade of Change
Watergate to the End of the Cold War