English I (9th Grade)


In English I, students take a journey through important concepts–the Unknown, Equality, Identity, Opportunity, and Understanding–to learn the foundations of communication and analysis. In each unit of the course, students explore a variety of STEM-related literature, including genre fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and speeches. Through the study of this writing, students hone their own skills in communication and analysis. To facilitate engagement and academic responsibility, students are encouraged to make choices at different points in the course. Most notable is the novel unit, in which students must select their book from a list of titles available. This practice gives ownership to the student and places each learner in a position to develop a deeper appreciation of reading. 

Major Topics and Concepts

Semester 1

Unit 1: Journey to the Unknown

Unknown for All
Central Idea
Annotated Notes
Summary and Paraphrase
Narrative Structure
Idea Development
Supporting Evidence
Supporting Your Ideas
Grammar and Vocabulary
Discussion-Based Assessment

Unit 2: Journey to Identity

02.00 Identity for All
02.01 What Makes You Who You Are
02.02 Choosing Your Path
02.03 Discovery Through Questioning
02.04 Identity Shaped by Conflict
02.05 Moving Toward Identity
02.06 The Heart of the Journey
02.07 Discussion-Based Assessment
02.08 Author's Tool Box Setting the Scene
02.09 Author's Tool Box Telling the Story
02.10 Author's Tool Box Enhancing the Story
02.11 Author's Tool Box Laying the Groundwork
02.12 Author's Tool Box Ready for Publishing
02.13 The Right Word

Unit 3: Journey to Equality

03.00 Equality for All
03.01 The Power of Words
03.02 Words Light a Fire
03.03 The Structure of a Good Fight
03.04 Language in King's Letter
03.05 Structure in King's Letter
03.06 Respond to a Writing Prompt
03.07 Captivate Your Audience
03.08 Organize Your Ideas
03.09 Developing Your Ideas
03.10 More Than the End
03.11 Discussion-Based Assessment
03.12 Revision Workshop
03.13 Edit Your Draft
03.14 The Right Word
03.15 Segment One Exam

Honors Lessons: Segment One
Honors S1.01 Universal Themes and Language
Honors S1.02 Romeo and Juliet Act I
Honors S1.03 Characterization and Diction
Honors S1.04 Romeo and Juliet Act II
Honors S1.05 Historical Context in Romeo and Juliet
Honors S1.06 Discussion-Based Assessment
Honors S1.07 Shakespeare and Art
Honors S1.08 Segment One Honors Exam

Semester 2

Unit 4: Journey to Achievement

04.00 Achievement for All
04.01 Identifying Nonfiction
04.02 Text Features
04.03 Context and Contrast
04.04 Compare and Contrast
04.05 Compare and Contrast Strategies
04.06 Research
04.07 The Right Word
04.08 Discussion-Based Assessment

Unit 5: Journey to Opportunity

05.00 Opportunity for All
05.01 What is an Argument?
05.02 Developing a Strong Argument
05.03 Analyzing and Argument
05.04 Gathering Evidence
05.05 Citing Your Sources
05.06 Increasing Awareness
05.07 Stating Your Claim
05.08 Outlining Your Argument
05.09 Writing Your Argument
05.10 A Powerful Product
05.11 Present Your Argument
05.12 Discussion-Based Assessment
05.13 The Right Word

Unit 6: Journey to Understanding

06.00 Understanding for All
06.01 Task Analysis
06.02 Essay Analysis
06.03 Essay Diction, Tone, and Syntax
06.04 Poetry Paraphrase
06.05 Poetry Diction, Tone, and Syntax
06.06 Thesis Statement
06.07 Opening Paragraph
06.08 Outlining
06.09 Evidence and Conclusion
06.10 Discussion-Based Assessment
06.11 Revision
06.12 Final Draft
06.13 The Right Word
06.14 Segment Two Exam

Honors Lessons: Segment Two
Honors S2.01 Romeo and Juliet Act III Conflict
Honors S2.02 Analyzing Romeo and Juliet Act III
Honors S2.03 Romeo and Juliet Act IV Foreshadowing
Honors S2.04 Romeo and Juliet Act V
Honors S2.05 Discussion-Based Assessment
Honors S2.06 Second Segment Honors Project
Honors S2.07 Segment Two Honors Exam