French I


Bienvenue! Welcome! Come and join various native French speakers as they give students a lively introduction to the language and its rich culture. Join them in their everyday environment as they take students through different daily scenarios and give them the necessary skills to read, write, and speak French. In this course, students learn the basic French language. After one semester, students will be able to engage in conversation in French including greeting people, introducing themselves, and exchanging basic information with others. Students learn to count from one to 1,000 and make simple sentences in both spoken and written French. Students continue to develop their French skills in semester two. New words and phrases are introduced with pictures, audio clips, and examples. Students learn basic French grammar to help them build fluency and understand the structure of the French language. Students have many opportunities to practice what they learn through interactive practice activities in the form of games, written practice, and listening and speaking exercises. Students also explore the cultures of France, Canada, and other French-speaking regions by learning about geography, foods, celebrations, and traditions from each place. Bon Voyage! Enjoy the trip! 

Major Topics and Concepts

Semester 1
·        Culture: Paris
·        The alphabet and pronunciation
·        Using cognates and borrowed words to build French vocabulary
·        Greetings, asking for names, and providing your name
·        Question words: asking and responding to questions
·        Numbers 1-1000
·        How you are and where you are from
·        Classroom objects
·        Definite and indefinite articles
·        Where French is spoken
·        Why study French
·        Culture: Train travel in France
·        Days of the week, months of the year, dates
·        Culture: Holidays of the French-speaking world
·        Subject pronouns
·        Formal vs. informal
·        Telling time
·        Talking about likes and dislikes
·        Using irregular verbs: Être, aller, avoir
·        Adjectives and adjective agreement
·        Singular vs. plural nouns
·        Negation
·        Culture: French-speaking Africa
·        Talking about family members
·        Occupations and employment possibilities for French-speakers
·        Culture: Markets and shopping
·        Talking about your city
·        Possessive adjectives
·        Expressing needs
·        Talking about clothing and colors
·        Using Avoir expressions

Semester 2
·        Culture: Strasbourg
·        Talking about communities
·        Culture: Carcassone
·        Review telling time
·        Transportation
·        Entertainment vocabulary
·        Using être a
·        Er verbs
·        The prepositions à and de
·        Culture: Weather in France
·        Describing weather
·        Culture: Nice, the French Alps
·        Activities for different seasons
·        Culture: The Eiffel Tower
·        Using the irregular verb Faire
·        Disagreeing with negative questions and statements using si
·        Talking about the future using aller + an infinitive
·        Disjunctive pronouns
·        Culture: Northwestern France
·        Talking about leisure activities and sports
·        Culture: Astérix
·        IR verbs
·        Irregular adjectives
·        Demonstrative adjectives
·        Talking about countries and nationalities
·        Culture: Quebec
·        Using irregular –Ir verbs
·        Interrogatives
·        Culture: French-speaking Asian countries
·        Re verbs