Introduction to Information Technology


In this course students dive into an exciting course that will provide them with the foundational skills needed for exciting careers like game development, military defense, web design, and software engineering. Students will explore web design, emerging technology, operating systems, project management, communication methods, Information Technology careers, and much more. Students will learn about their strengths and how they relate to a variety of different career paths. 

Major Topics and Concepts

Module 1

History of the Computer
History of the Internet
What compilers are and how they work
Different operating systems

Module 2

Documenting, calculating, sorting, and presenting using various software applications
Analyzing data
Project planning

Module 3

Intranet, Extranet, and Internet
Proper use of email and email features 

Module 4

Ethical decision making
Organizational structures and cultures

Module 5

Web terminology
Proficiency in setting basic GUI preferences
Boolean searches to optimize results
What makes up a URL
URL protocols
Downloading files
Paperless society

Module 6

WYSIWYG editors
Creating a web page
Image editing

Module 7

Examples of emerging technologies and how to evaluate them
How emerging technologies are impacting businesses

Module 8

Career opportunities in the Information Technology sector
Personal strengths and weaknesses
Electronic career portfolio