Latin I
There is a reason “all roads lead to Rome.” Maybe it is because Romans built much of the ancient world’s highway system. Maybe it is also because the Roman culture and Latin language laid the foundation for much of Western culture. In this course, students find out for themselves as they take their first steps on a lifelong journey of discovery. Students improve their command of the English language by studying Latin. Students also gain a better understanding of today’s laws and culture by getting into the Roman mind. Latin I is the most comprehensive way to begin. The purpose of this course is to give students a foundation in Latin grammar and vocabulary. This course also acquaints students with Olympic gods and with the everyday life of the typical Roman. The course sets the students’ feet on a journey as big as their imagination, with a passport to some of the world’s most exciting places.
Major Topics and Concepts
Semester 1
Module 1
01.00 Building a Roman Information Highway, Via Latina
01.01 The Language of Ancient Rome, Latin
01.02 Pace Chart Overview
01.03 Module 1 Construction Goals
01.04 Module 1 Blueprint
01.05 Fork in the Road
01.06 Insulae
01.07 Tool Box Terms
01.08 Mortar, Vocabulary
01.09 First Declension
01.10 Mortar, Vocabulary
01.11 First Conjugation
01.12 Verb Tools, SUM
01.13 Mortar, Vocabulary
01.14 Viae Romanae
01.15 Forum Webquest
01.16 Forum Romanum
01.17 Forum Project
01.18 Sermones
01.19 Latin Souvenirs: Prefixes
01.20 Networking
01.21 Module 1 Jeopardy Game
Module 2
02.01 Module 2 Construction Goals
02.02 Module 2 Blueprint
02.03 Fork in the Road
02.04 Mortar, Vocabulary
02.05 Genitive and Ablative Cases
02.06 Dative Case
02.07 Case Usage
02.08 Mortar, Vocabulary
02.09 Provinciae
02.10 Noun and Verb Test
02.11 Imperfect Tense
02.12 Future Tense
02.13 SUM, 3 tenses
02.14 Sermones
02.15 Present System Review
02.16 Gladiators
02.17 Mottoes and Abbreviations
02.18 Latin Souvenirs
02.19 Module 2 Jeopardy Game
Module 3
03.01 Module 3 Construction Goals
03.02 Module 3 Blueprint
03.03 Fork in the Road
03.04 Mortar, Vocabulary
03.05 Second Declension Masculine
03.06 Mortar, Vocabulary
03.07 Second Declension Neuter
03.08 Servus
03.09 Ablative of Means
03.10 Vocatives and Imperatives
03.11 Sermones
03.12 Noun Test
03.13 Master Builders Part I and II
03.14 The Artistic Connection
03.15 Perfect System
03.16 Perfect System of SUM
03.17 Mortar, Vocabulary
03.18 Ludi
03.19 Perfect System Test
03.20 Latin Souvenirs
03.21 Module 3 Jeopardy Game
Module 4
04.01 Module 4 Construction Goals
04.02 Module 4 Blueprint
04.03 Follow the Leader
04.04 Mortar, Vocabulary
04.05 Second Conjugation, Present System
04.06 Second Conjugation, Perfect System
04.07 Ludus
04.08 Side Road, Infinitives
04.09 Docere Amo
04.10 Verb Test
04.11 Roman Education
04.12 Mortar, Vocabulary
04.13 Adjectives
04.14 Adjective Practice
04.15 Roman Numerals
04.16 Abbreviations and Phrases
04.17 Latin Souvenirs
04.18 Module 4 Jeopardy Game
04.19 Sermones
04.20 Segment 1 Exam Review
04.21 Latin 1 Seg. 1 Final Exam
Semester 2
Module 5
05.01 Module 5 Construction Goals
05.02 Module 5 Blueprint
05.03 Fork in the Road
05.04 Mortar, Vocabulary
05.05 Passive Voice
05.06 Formation of Passive Voice
05.07 Passive Practice
05.08 Ablative of Agent
05.09 Paving with the Passive
05.10 Olympic Gods Project
05.11 Side Road, Questions
05.12 Dei et Deae
05.13 Mortar, Vocabulary
05.14 -er Adjectives
05.15 Pandora
05.16 More Myths
05.17 Side Road, Adverbs
05.18 Vocabulary Test
05.19 Latin Souvenirs
05.20 Sermones
05.21 Networking
Module 6
06.01 Module 6 Construction Goals
06.02 Module 6 Blueprint
06.03 Fork in the Road
06.04 Mortar, Vocabulary
06.05 Passive Voice Perfect System
06.06 Pluto and Proserpina
06.07 Side Road, Connectors
06.08 Roma
06.09 Appositives
06.10 Mortar, Vocabulary
06.11 Roman Calendar
06.12 Daphne
06.13 Synopses
06.14 This is Your LIfe, 100 B.C.
06.15 Sermones
06.16 Verb Test
06.17 Helpful Phrases
06.18 Latin Souvenirs
Module 7
07.01 Module 7 Construction Goals
07.02 Module 7 Blueprint
07.03 Fork in the Road
07.04 Mortar, Vocabulary
07.05 Third Conjugation, Present System
07.06 Third Future vs. Second Present
07.07 Third Conjugation, Perfect System
07.08 Idioms
07.09 Epic Conventions
07.10 Means vs. Agent
07.11 Vergil
07.12 Discovering Troy
07.13 Third Conjugation, Passive
07.14 Mortar, Vocabulary
07.15 Book I
07.16 Mortar, Vocabulary
07.17 Vocabulary Test
07.18 Book II
07.19 Latin Souvenirs
07.20 Sermones
07.21 Module 7 Jeopardy Game
Module 8
08.01 Module 8 Construction Goals
08.02 Module 8 Blueprint
08.03 Fork in the Road
08.04 Mortar, Vocabulary
08.05 Fourth Conjugation, Active Voice
08.06 Fourth Conjugation, Passive Voice
08.07 Derivatives Tree
08.08 Book III
08.09 Personal Pronouns
08.10 Sermones
08.11 Verb Review Chart
08.12 Verb Test
08.13 Mortar, Vocabulary
08.14 The Rest of the Story
08.15 Latin Lives! Interview Project
08.16 Latin Souvenirs
08.17 Module 8 Jeopardy Game
08.18 Segment 2 Exam
Module 9
09.01 Optional Segment 2 Exam Review
09.02 Module 9 Blueprint
09.03 Noun Review
09.04 Adjective Review
09.05 Verb Rules Review
09.06 Verb Tense Review
09.07 Sum, Esse, Fui, Futurus
09.08 Culture Review
09.09 Who Am I?
09.10 Who said It? Where is It?