Social Media
In this course, students will examine the world through social media, where citizen journalism is the news, personal audiences the critics and supporters, and personal connection is subjective. This course does not teach how to use Facebook, the proper way to use a hashtag, or how to get more Instagram followers. This course will teach students that the world of Social Media revolves around them – their actions, their decisions, and their interests. Students will examine how much Social Media has evolved, and begin to understand how they can find authenticity and truth within an online world where you can “be” anyone. Students will also learn how your digital footprint makes a bigger impression than their physical one
Major Topics and Concepts
Module 1 (Milestone 1)
Social Media – A Brief but Eventful History
Certificate of Authenticity Please
The Internet Who’s The Authority
You Heard What?
What’s Your Truth?
Module 2 (Milestone 2)
This is Your Life- This is Your Life on Social Media
What is Your Type?
How is Your Social Media Psyche?
Getting Personal with Social Media
What is Your Passion?
Module 3 (Milestone 3)
What You See and What You Get
Influencer or Follower, Who Are You?
News, Consider the Source
Perspective Matters
Who’s Listening
Module 4 (Milestone 4)
Social Media Loves a Crisis
Social Media The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Six Degrees of Social Media
Dear Me of the Future
Wait………Is This The End?