Reading for College Readiness
How will reading affect a student’s future? How does reading shape the world around us? This course helps students answer these questions and prepare for college and career success. Reading is a vital skill in the information age, when we are bombarded with a constant stream of information. Being able to determine and comprehend the main ideas in this constant flow is imperative to success both in the academic world and in the world of work. Learning to discern fact from opinion and bias from objectivity will empower students to make better life and work decisions, while effective note taking and summarizing skills help students achieve their goals in higher education and in the career of their choosing.
Major Topics and Concepts
Discerning the Main Idea
Identifying Clues Within Texts
Effective Summarization
Note Taking Applications
Choosing Your Note Taking Style
Free Choice Reading
Web 2.0 Skills
Recognizing Organizational Patterns
Decoding Signal Words
Understanding Cause and Effect
Compare and Contrast
Styles of Analysis
Implications of Tone
Recognizing Bias and Opinion
Persuasive Language Tools
Making an Inference
Predictions, Questioning and Context
Connotations and Allusions
Hidden Hints in Writing
Preparing for the CPT and College Entrance Tests